
Online wired client on miroky
Online wired client on miroky

online wired client on miroky

(Hardware is a Linksys WRT1900ACv1.) I did try setting option multicast_to_unicast 0 on all the interfaces in the bridge, but that seems to have been ignored ( /sys/devices/virtual/net/br-lan/lower_wlan0/brport/multicast_to_unicast is still 1 after rebooting) and given that /sys/devices/virtual/net/br-lan/lower_wlan0/brport/isolate_mode doesn't even exist, I dunno if any of the potential workarounds from the old thread even make sense anymore. It smells similar to Clients in same WLAN can't reach each other but that's an old thread talking about 17.x and 18.x, and I'm using 19.07.8. Disconnect and reconnect wired ports and devices (the devices are household devices like Yamaha receivers, Apple TVs, etc) - none of these devices are accessible via the network (for example the iphone app for the Yamaha receivers on the wifi are no longer able to access the receivers via wire) 3. ARP queries issued by wifi clients for wifi clients are not answered, and tcpdump on a wifi client does not see mDNS announcements from the printer.Īll this suggests some kind of problem with bridging, such that traffic from the wired interfaces is not (reliably) being sent over to the wifi interface. Wifi clients can ping wired clients, but are completely cut off from other wifi clients. (Whether these things work, with the printer as the target, seems to depend on how long it has been since I most recently power-cycled the printer: It works for a few minutes and then it stops working.) ARP queries issued by wired clients for wifi clients are not answered reliably, and tcpdump on a wired client does not reliably see mDNS announcements from the printer. Wired clients can ping each other, but can only sometimes ping wifi clients. If I look at all configured clients I can see all the devices that have been shown. I have been able to view wired clients listed there before, I even assigned many IP addresses inside the controller. tcpdump on the router sees mDNS announcements from all clients (the printer in particular). When I log into the Unifi Controller I can see all my wireless clients, however no wired clients show there. Ping from the router can reach all clients. Case2: Now that traffic has reached the Server router wg interface. dst gwwg interface Tablevpntunnel Where the route rule establishes the source subnet, the action of lookup only in table, the table selected is vpntunnel.

online wired client on miroky


They can't.Įxperimentation has revealed the following symptoms:Īll of the clients are known to the DHCP server on the router. Case1: To ensure a subnet on the client router is used for all traffic I create a route rule. Wired Client business text messaging software lets you easily create custom texts, SMS marketing campaigns and much more. One of the WiFi-only devices is a printer, so it's important that other clients be able to communicate with it.


My home network consists of two PCs and a fileserver with wired connections to the router that runs OpenWrt, plus several WiFi-only devices.

Online wired client on miroky